Tuesday, 22 April 2014

p5 unit 31 computer animation

Explain how animations are used on web pages (e.g. buttons with rollover effects, adverts)

In this blog I will be talking about how animations are used on a web page and adverts, I will be going into detail about where they are located and why they are used

Animations are used in lots of web pages and are saw all over the web. Animations can be used as animated buttons with rollover effects and adverts. Animated buttons with rollover effects are when for example there is a heading on a webpage and you hover over it, it will change how it looks depending on what the webpage wanted it to look like for example the writing could change colour or the text could be highlighted or the box might get bigger. Here is a video on how to create a rollover effect on Flash and also an example of what one would look like.

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